SP meeting 2025: A general meeting on the IE 300 - IE 400 summer internship courses and the Summer Practice (SP) procedures will be held on March 14, 2025, at 14.40 in IE03 for IE300 and in IE04 for IE400. The slides of the meeting can be found here. In case you have any queries related to the summer practice procedures, we kindly ask you to first go through the meeting slides and our SP webpage carefully, and send an email only if you cannot find the answer of your question there.
SGK insurance applications: The OCW system for applying for the SGK insurances is now activated. Please read the instructions in General Information carefully before applying for your SGK insurance.
Summer internship contracts: If you need your SP work contract (staj sözlesmesi) to be signed, please leave it to the Undergraduate Secretary Office, IE 129 and get it back in one week.